Americana is currently accepting submissions. Please attach and email manuscripts to:

A note on reading times: We publish twice a year. Our reading period for spring is January through June with the spring edition decision and publication coming in late June/July. Our reading period for fall is July through December with the fall edition decision and publication coming late December. Your submission will be considered for the next open issue.


Note: These guidelines apply only to those
submitting to the academic journal.

1) Articles should be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact information.

2) Articles should follow MLA style guidelines. (Please use MLA style parenthetical references, a works cited page, no or very few notes. One space after periods.)

3) Articles must be analytical, original, and focus on some element of twentieth or twenty-first century American Studies, especially pertaining to popular culture 1900 to present.

4) Articles should be 4000-10,000 words in length.

5) Because the Advisory Board of Americana practices double anonymous peer review, articles must not contain the name of the author or any reference to the author. Peer review reading times vary widely from a few days to several months depending on the schedule of the reviewer.

6) We do not publish profanity, gratuitously violent, or erotic work. If the material is not vital to your argument, cut it. If it is, you may consider submitting it elsewhere or eliding word choice with hyphens.

Americana is archived through Gale and Ebsco.

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